Marianna Soper

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7 Ways to Help Dreams Come True

We all have a story, but even if our story is hard, making our present life painful, and even if it threatens the possibilities of our future, everyone has a dream.Dreams can be a fragile part of us, something we keep hidden for fear that if it's exposed, it will never come true. We doubt ourselves.I am a firm believer that many of our dreams, our deep-rooted passions and dreams are woven into our souls by our Creator. In his infinite wisdom and grace, he couples a passion with a gift or ability.Ever heard the expression, "working in your sweet spot"?Let me give you a picture of this. If you have ever watched  "America's Got Talent", occasionally you've seen someone super talented who takes a chance, decides to audition, is met with a standing ovation from both audience and judges, and then falls into a sobbing heap upon the stage. I cry. Every. Time.Why?Inside that person was a dream, a passion, a gift that brought that person indescribable joy. Then they dared to share that dream, and it was not just exposed to the world, but affirmed. Someone else saw the passion in their soul and said, "it's true. Your gift is real and it brings me joy too!" The doubt vanishes and joy is made complete.Pursuing a dream is risky. We are putting ourselves out there, wondering if what we see in ourselves is real, beautiful, worthy, appreciated. Our dream might bring joy to our own soul, but what if it's rejected by the world? But when someone recognizes what God has put in us and believes with us, we gain an essential tool for our journey- hope.Yesterday, someone affirmed my dream. In a little way, but a real way. No, I didn't fall in the floor crying, but a smile found its way from a deep place up to my face and stayed there for the afternoon. Part of my doubt fell away, replaced by confidence to move forward.Two things are true. You have a dream. Everyone you meet has a dream.Let's be brave today. What's your dream? Take a little step toward it today.

  • Write it down. Acknowledge its existence with this simple act. Read it aloud.
  • Tell someone. Shine light on your dream by sharing it with someone you trust.
  • What's one thing you could do this month to move one step closer to your dream? Do it. One step closer.
  • Get godly counsel. Talk with someone who knows you well. Does this person see this dream/gift in you? Receive the confirmation and move one more step closer.
Would you fan the flame of a fellow dreamer? As you meet people and connect with friends, ask God to give you discernment to see their dreams and gifts.
  • Encourage someone who is pursuing their dream, trying to use their gifts for God's glory. Just tell them that you see it. Believe with them.
  • Challenge a friend who is "hiding" their dream from the world, to be brave and take a step toward it.
  • Pray with someone who is working out that dream, trusting God and what he started in them.

Dreams need to be watered with belief. Your dreams. My dreams. Our enemy and this world can push those dreams into the dark, burying them beneath fear and doubt. We begin to believe our dream "will never happen."But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "today", so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.  Hebrews3:13