Marianna Soper

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20 Minutes to Save Your Life

I came across an article posted on Facebook entitle, "This is 45." I clicked to read what might possibly define and clarify this middle-age stage of life. Cause I'm there. Here. 45 is around the corner. I want to be ready.True, there are things that we must accept as we age, but I'm not so sure I'm ready to wave the white flag yet. One statement, "It is still liking your calves and hating your stomach" made me mad.The question is, am I mad enough to do something?The article by Emily Mendell was very poignant, and I laughed to myself, felt tears well as I saw myself in much of the picture she painted. I am thankful to be at this stage of life, more comfortable in my own skin, appreciative of good health, and realizing what is truly important in life. That was not the case ten years ago.But, I think there is much left in my hands, and your hands. I think we all need to write our own article, "This is My 45" (or whatever age we are).How many of us truly feel like we have a say, a choice in our lives right now? Sadly, very few of us set goals or have a vision for our lives. Even fewer women dream. Instead, we allow life to happen to us and then quietly accept what has been given. Often , we settle for a life that is far from our heart's desire.Do you have dreams? I think so. I believe that your creator, our creator planted the seeds of dreams in each of us. I don't know about you, but I am not ready to settle into my fat pants and wait for grandbabies. I have life to live.I feel the Lord leading me to be more purposeful. I hear his voice saying, "you do not have because you do not ask."I am certain that as I approach a crossroads in my life this month (more on that later), combined with the new year around the corner, you will hear more from me about purpose, dreams, and goals.For now, I am still mad about the whole, "It is still liking your calves and hating your stomach" thing. Beyond that, I see women around me who have waved the white flag in the fight for physical health. Most have been defeated by their own schedules and the schedules of their children.Girls, when my children have left my home, I don't want to be overweight and out of shape, unable to enjoy life with my husband. I want to be active and healthy to enjoy my grandchildren, able to do more than just rock them in a rocking chair. I want to feel good at 45 and 50 and 80.I remember my Granny, grabbing her sled and walking through the snow to ride down the hill, laughing her head off. At 80!Right now, in the moment, we allow our busy lives to dictate our future. Yet, there is something you and I can do now, a small thing that could change our health and our future. We can sacrifice our health now, for what we feel is more important, our children or our jobs. Or we can give our health priority and be around for our children and their children later.I am proposing that 20 minutes could change your life and my life.What if, we dedicated 20 minutes of every day to our health? How would we feel, what would our lives look like 20 years from now, if we exercised 20 minutes each day?It is so easy for us to speak wisdom to our children, saying things like, "if you will put money in savings now, you will reap the benefits later." We say "studying is hard right now, but it will pay off when you are applying to colleges."We share our wisdom with our children, yet we tell ourselves things like, "I don't have time to exercise because now I am so busy taking care of my children."  We are weary from being their taxi service and their cheerleaders, at times too weary to go for a walk, or do a few crunches.Don't get me wrong, I want to do all that I can for my children to support them and encourage what I see God has gifted them to pursue. I just don't think God has called us to sacrifice our health for our children. After all, won't I be a better mom and possibly a grandma if I am healthy?Maybe our job gets our best. We work so hard, giving more than we should until we are so completely exhausted we just want to curl up in our comfy chair and eat cookies.Don't think I am judging. I've told you that this blog is where God and I work things out. I have gained eight pounds since school started in August and I feel like crud. My health has not been a priority. It's hard. Really hard. I get it.What I am proposing is that we take a long hard look at our future. What do you truly desire for your health? Do you have images in your mind of running and playing with your children and grandchildren? How do you want to feel at 45? 50? Ya'll, I want to wear jeans and feel good in them. I want to run a 5K and do push-ups when I'm 50.I refuse to throw in the towel, to raise my white flag, and say "Well, this is 45."Will it be hard to find the 20 minutes each day? Yes! There will always be a thousand other things screaming for our attention, fighting for our time. Each will seem important, urgent. We will be tempted to feel guilty for choosing ourselves.But girls, how will we feel in the future when we have neglected our health?20 minutes. It could save your life. It could help you enjoy your life. Your grandchildren will be blessed.We have to choose life. What will be your 45?Let's choose our health for 20 minutes each day.No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.  Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.  Hebrews 12:1-2