Marianna Soper

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10 Things to Celebrate

Are you a party girl? Do you let yourself celebrate life, even the small things? I have to tell you something. You may be shocked if you know me, but I am terrible when it comes to creating lasting habits and being consistent! Coffee is about the only thing I do without fail. Well, today is a day to celebrate. This is my 10th day of writing this blog!!! I haven't quit. I didn't forget. I wasn't distracted by a one thousand other things. I did it! I'm having a little party right here at my laptop. Woot! Woot!  Time to do the dance!

(My favorite scene from Evan Almighty is at the end when God meets Evan after his has finally trusted God, and God says "it's time to do the dance." )

What can you celebrate today? Dig deep. See the little victories. Don't take for granted the stuff that makes life sweet. Like washing machines, lattes, coupons,  and cell phones. What about music, blue skies, books, and good friends? There is always something to celebrate. When our adopted son first came to us, and I began to see his struggles and delays, I worried. He couldn't climb onto his own bed. Math was impossible. We celebrated in the spring when he won the P.E award, the music award, and as he received the Principal's award. God is good. I see victories everyday in our sweet boy if I'm looking for them.

Are you looking for joy today? Do you see what God has done? His love is strong. He is faithful to us even on our worst days. Make a list of 10 things worth celebrating today! If you are an over achiever, read Anne Voskamp's book called One Thousand Gifts, and start your own list of 1000 things!

Celebrating is part of taking care of yourself! Have your own little party! Invite a friend to celebrate with you!

Taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8

I have come that they may have abundant life. John 10:10